Become a master thanks to your experience in cockfighting

The experience of cockfighting experts with fighting cocks is something that everyone wants to learn about. Cockfighting is a very popular form of entertainment. Therefore, cockfighting is becoming more and more interesting and loved by many people. Raising a fighting cock and training it to use spurs and knives skillfully is not simple. In this article, let’s learn about effective Become a master thanks to your experience in cockfighting with SG777.

What is knife-spur cockfighting?

What is knife-spur cockfighting?

In the Philippines, the form of cockfighting for entertainment is no longer strange. This is a type of entertainment that uses roosters to fight each other and find a winner. These chickens are called fighting cocks or fighting chickens. They are raised and cared for by special regimes. If you also raise a fighting cock and challenge it to a fight, if you win you will get a huge bonus.

That is why this form of entertainment is of interest to many people. For those of you who don’t raise fighting cocks but still want to watch, you can bet on cockfighting online. Currently, many bookmakers are providing online cockfighting watching and betting services. Your task is just to register an account at the house, deposit money to bet, and predict which cock will win.

To make the game more interesting, the chicken farmer added a small knife to the chicken’s spur. The knife attached to the spur will help the fighting cock increase its damage to the opponent. Gradually, the knife-fighting form of cockfighting was accepted in many tournaments. To win this game, chicken farmers need to have rich experience in fighting cockfighting.

Rules and regulations in cockfighting 

Rules and regulations in cockfighting 
  • For those who raise Chien chickens, they need to comply 100% with the rules and regulations in cock fighting. This will ensure fairness for the fighting cocks and the bettors watching the match.
  • Fighting cocks can only use knife spurs allowed by the organizers.
  • Breeders of fighting cocks are not allowed to arbitrarily add or remove or redesign the spurs according to their wishes.
  • Fighting cocks are also not allowed to use any stimulants to increase strength and endurance.
  • When a fighting cock falls and cannot get up, it is considered a loser.
  • While the chickens are fighting each other, the chicken farmer is not allowed to interfere or enter the competition yard.

Some experiences in cock fighting with knife spurs for millet farmers

  • If you are a person who raises and trains fighting chickens, you need to learn the experience of fighting cocks with knives from the master cockerel. You need to know how to care for and train a fighting chicken most effectively. Below are some experiences passed down to you from the millet master:
  • Need to know how to choose chickens to fight: Each chicken has its strengths. With knife cockfighting, you need to choose a fighting cock with strong legs and how to kick its legs in the right dangerous places.
  • You need to train fighting chickens to run in cages regularly to increase muscle and strength in the legs. To avoid chicken exhaustion, let the chicken run in the cage for 15 – 20 minutes and then rest.
  • You should let the chicken breathe continuously: You use string to cover the chicken’s beak and knees. This method prevents the fighting cock from pecking or kicking the opponent. It will have to use its body to push. This exercise helps fighting chickens become healthier and more resilient.

Experience in cockfighting for bettors

Experience in cockfighting for bettors

It’s not just millet farmers who need to learn experience in cock fighting. Both bettors who love this form of entertainment and betting on the house also need their tricks.

“Play the role” of being difficult when choosing a bookie

The first experience for you when participating in cockfighting betting is to find a reputable betting address. Currently, many bookmakers are offering cockfighting betting. But not all bookmakers guarantee the quality of the tournament. You should go to a bookmaker that specializes in cockfighting because they will live the best, large-scale matches.


Experience in cockfighting for bettors will help you play happily and make great money. Please watch as many matches as possible to gain experience for yourself. Hopefully, this article will help you in the cockfighting betting process.

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